Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Waiting for beta #

Well, I went in this morning and Vampira has had her way with me, now I await "the call". For those of you who want to see the pic of the pee stick, I managed to snap a picture or two while DH looked at me sideways last night, I will upload one ASAP. He might think it's a little weird that a bunch of "strangers" want to see my pee stick, but he is just gonna have to get over it, HA!

Anyway, for now I shall attempt to get some work down while crossing everything cross-able that the beta is a good strong numero!


Stacey said...

I just found your blog a couple days ago and have been anxiously waiting to hear of your result! I am so happy about the BFP!! I am currently in the 2ww of IVF 3 and the more I see these positives the more sure I am that this is the cycle that worked for DH and I:) I will be checking throughout the day to see that beautiful Beta, congrats again to you and DH!

Heather said...

I'll be constantly refreshing this afternoon. I have everything crossed for you too! Just try to keep yourself busy until they call. I know it's easier said than done.

Alison said...

Congratulations!! I will be checking back all day today!!!