Monday, June 16, 2008


OK, I made it, I went ALL weekend without testing! Aren't you all proud of me? Well, ya shouldn't be, I am testing tonight damnit! Beta tomorrow, I must be prepared for whatever is going to come my way. I am such a planner (read "control freak") and this whole IF thing has taken so much of that away from me. I figure the least I can do is be in control of when I find out the answer!

In the mean time, please go over and give some congrats to Jen at and Samantha at . (Sorry, I haven't yet figured out how to do the hyperlink thinggy without showing the web addies.) Both have received some long awaited fantastic news! I hope it's catchy girls! :-)


Heather said...

I hope it's catchy too! Wishing you lots of luck on your beta!

Leah said...

I hope it spreads like wildfire. They say things come in 3s... hopefully you are the 3rd! I'll keep checking back to see the evidence from tonight's POAS results. Good luck!!

Alison said...

if you email me, I can send you the code for linking. It's super easy! babycrusade at gmail dot com

Jen said...

Oh, I'm so behind on my reading! But thank you for the shout out!!