Monday, June 16, 2008


I have no pic because DH still does not approve of what I have done, so I am laying low, hehehe. I peed on a stick and it was UNABASHEDLY, UNQUESTIONNABLY POSITIVE! That's right, POSITIVE, as in just as dark as the control line, oh my holy crap, POSITIVE. I am in shock, but it feels reeeeal good. I will check back in tomorrow as soon as beta #'s are in! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and for the record, DH is THRILLED as well, he is just oh so "by the book". The nurse lady said not to poas so he didn't think I should. Take THAT, nurse lady! :-P


Leah said...

YAY! Congratulations! "Laying low" be damned, let's see a picture!! (I'm a hopeless pee stick junkie.)

Can't wait to hear your beta number tomorrow. Sleep well tonight, pregnant lady!

Heather said...

Congratulations!!!! Can't wait to hear your beta number too!

Monkey said...

Yay!! Congrats. Here's to a good strong number tomorrow!

Jendeis said...

Congrats girl!! Hope everything continues to go well! :)

Tricia said...


Have a happy and healthy 9 months and good luck with the Beta tomorrow.

dmarie said...

Congrats to you!

Abc said...

Wooo hooo! Congratulations!